Monday, January 16, 2012


That is my word for the year...  I have never  picked a "word of the year" before...and maybe that's why I don't seem to be getting much done...  I am determined to make a lot of our Christmas presents this year.  To that end, I have decided to add a new board to my Pinterest...and would like to invite anyone that wants a present this year to add a link to it...  (oh, guess I need to say that you will also had to have been on my list this past year!)...  So I need a place to hide all those presents...mostly so I won't give them away early...LOL  ..  I tried to help our son carry this up from the basement the son and the husband to carry this up from the basement and into the sewing room. 

But why stop there?  I got Rich to do some quick carpentry..and I now have storage for my rulers..

And inside I will hide all the presents...I do think I will need a child lock on there..

And on this MLK holiday we did some more work on the can read about it here..

And I did a bit of sewing...

a robe for an 18 inch doll made out of a vintage sheet

and a pair of PJ's for the same doll with a matching bib..
and Rich and I are working on a little something special...

just a little sneak peak...
And there is going to be lots of sewing over here in the next couple of weeks.  I joined the RedBirdBee, a shoot off of my Modern Quilt Guild and got the first block last Saturday...It's gonna be a pretty fun one to do... I'm not sure if we can show photos or not...need to check with the Queen Bee...  I also have some more doll clothes cut out...

And last Saturday was my Mom's 82nd birthday.  We had a party with cupcakes and ice cream and all the kids, grandkids and cousins...

Me, my Mom and Ava my grandchild.. Mom is holding the pillow I made for her bed.

This is Mom and Stepdad , Me (dark purple sweater) with the rest of my sisters, brothers and their significant others.


  1. You are busy...busy!!! I need to go check your other blog now. Nice family photos from your mom's b'day celebration!

  2. I have an white cabinet like yours at our old house. I just can't figure out a place to put it in the new house :-( It served as a panty, but it sure would make a great place to store fabric :-)

  3. Happy Birthday to Momma! Look at all those rulers Nancy! I aspire to your ruler-awesomeness! =)

  4. Great pictures - thanks for sharing with all of us. I want a cabinet like that one. I have to find one soon. My kitchen stuff is overflowing.

  5. Nancy, I really like your word for the year. I need to combine several that bloggers have mentioned for the new year.
    Your sewing room looks great and the cabinet is great with the peg board. I'm moving my sewing room upstairs for more room. Boy....


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