Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a short note...

He did it!! My last baby has his drivers license. Now comes the scary part. He actually thinks we will let him drive, tonight, on the highway, at night, by himself to a concert, somewhere he has never driven. Me thinks NOT!!

Happy Sewing,

off to the sewing room to start on the 2008 Mystery quilt for guild meeting Monday. I have 2 months to do.....
of course, now I don't have to stop and take the Rock Star to work, or his friends, or ANYWHERE!!!


  1. ....good luck to the Rock Star....I don't know about you but when they don't have their full licence you still have some idea where they are (because you are usually driving them there and back! LOL) but when they are off on their own it is a bit of a worry for a while....well that's what I was like! Glad the foot is healing nicely....!

  2. Congratulations to the Rock Star. Sounds like you'll need an ice pack for the headache soon.

  3. Congrats to the Rock Star!!
    I spent some time getting caught up...I have been in baby quilt mode and not reading many blogs. Your poor toe!!! So glad you are on the upswing!
    That grandbaby is adorable!!!


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