Thursday, August 14, 2008

Think good thoughts for me.....and Thank You's

Today, the Rock Star will once again try to get his drivers license. Yesterday we went to the local bureau at 10am. It was 1pm before his name was called to take the test. By that time it was hot and I am sure he was a bundle of nerves. They were his downfall as he made 1 too many silly mistakes. I am so glad I don't have to take the drivers (or written, for that matter) test. As we get older we relax our driving rules somewhat and I am sure I would flunk also. Is he a typical boy? He is my only so I am not sure if it is him or all boys. He seems oblivious to those around him. Example, the instructor tells him to get into the center lane. The center lane is yellow lined with yellow stripes through out (for non USA readers, you don't do that unless there is an emergency vehicle with red lights and that's the only place to go to get out of the way). He moved into the center lane just like he was asked to. Now, he didn't get into trouble for going where he wasn't supposed to, oh no! he got marked off for not checking his blind spot. I asked him why he didn't look to his left. His response? "I didn't need to look. You aren't supposed to drive in that place, so why would anyone else be there." (insert heavy sigh here) So in a half hour from now, we will venture 27 miles for him to try again. Oh, with the same in rural areas the agents travel from town to town. If he doesn't get it today, we can venture to another small town Friday and again Monday....please please please tell me I don't have to do that...

I have been really bad and neglectful and not thanked my sister for taking over my blog while I was under the knife. Hopefully some of you have tried her recipes and enjoyed them.
I also want to thank everyone for all their get well toe is feeling much better. Showering should not involve saran wrap, trash bags and packing tape, but that's what it takes in my world. I will have to keep using those tools until my stitches come out on Tuesday. I have tried to keep up with comments and I fear I have missed replying to some. I don't mean to. It is harder for me to reply as I still don't have my laptop back (it should come today) and I have to read email from the server and it's s-o-o-o-o- s-l-o-w-.....

Tomorrow I will give you a sure fire way to get your DH to bring home dinner. I stumbled across this about 10 years ago and it works every time. Oh, and it does not involve sex, whining or promises....

Happy Sewing


  1. The suspense is killing me.

  2. Congrats to my Rock Star nephew!!!!!

    A warning has been issued in your county that you will be on the road!!! :)

    Aunt Carolyn


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....