Monday, August 11, 2008

the rock star and the police raid.....

I finally have time to sit and write. This morning the rock star (with rolling eyes and lots of sighs) drove me to the Podiatrist to have the drain removed from my toe. The toe really looks good. My foot and ankle are orange and look like I used too much fake tan spray, but the toe isn't swollen and the redness is almost gone. I also got to see the 6 stitches and it looks like she may have done a bit of a pedicure while she was down

So I guess it's time I tell the story of

The Rock Star and The Police Raid.....

My son is in an alternative music band. Well, there are just two of them. Rock Star and Rock Star 2. They are fairly good and last Saturday were booked at a not-so-local venue (rock speak for concert hall or any other building where they will allow them to play loud music). Since I was smack down on the couch, DH agreed to drive him and two other friends along with their equipment. We gave Rock Star one of our cell phones and told him to call when he needed to come home. About 9pm the phone rang and lo and behold it was him. I answered and said "are you ready to come home now?" He said "yea, the police said we could leave". WHAT!!????? What Police?? Apparently 15 police officers walked into the venue, yelled "sit down where you are". Police talked to the owner and one other performer and then said all the kids should go home. Turns out this venue doesn't have a license to hold concerts and someone either called and turned them in or the police heard them as they cruised by.

Rock Star now knows we will check out any venue in the future.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Sorry about the rock star thing .. opps. And oh so really sorry about your foot!!! Have you in my giveaway.

  2. Children...they sure know how to tell it. Glad everything worked out! ;o)

  3. oh dear...i bet your heart jumped a bit. my sons play venues like that...i worry too. ahhh the life of a budding rock star!

  4. Oooops . . . I guess the rock star learned his lesson.

    BTW, I'm a blueberry popsicle.


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