Monday, August 25, 2008

Teenagers get a bad rap....

I am sure that my title is not the latest in teenage verbiage.....but today my faith in kids in general was restored.

A couple of weeks ago, my son's band played a new venue. As they were packing up to leave, somehow his briefcase disappeared. He had over $600 worth of guitar pedals in there. Of course, being the teen boy that he is, there was no identification in the briefcase so we assumed they were lost for good.

Last night he received a phone call from his friend. Someone had been trying to get hold of him. Today, after many phone calls back and forth, he went to this guys house and got all of his pedals back. A member of another band playing the same night had found the briefcase in the parking lot, popped it open and finding no identification started calling all the bands to see if anyone had lost it.

To say he is elated would be putting it mildly...

Thank you to the St Charles teenager that took the time and energy to return something that wasn't his. I am so grateful.

So, go hug your teenager tonight. He might be the one that returned my son's equipment. Or not....but hug them anyway...

Don't forget to check out the contest in my last post.... We are visiting a new quilt shop tomorrow so there might be two prizes....

Happy Sewing,


  1. Kids can fool you. I am glad the Rock Star has his equipment back.

  2. i know how expensive those pedals he was sweating bullets! i agree...teens do get a bad rap...there are lots of good kids out there! virtual pat on the back to whoever he is!!!


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