Monday, August 25, 2008


Look Here!!!

I am so excited.... I am off to Quilt Retreat. If you click on the title of this post it will take you to the website where I will be spending the next three days.

Sewing and food and friends and food and new socks and food and oh, did I mention FOOD!! This retreat is hosted by a by Quilt Guild (Thanks again, Nellie!)and the Mother and Son that run this Lodge do their own cooking. I am told it is fantastic....
Need to pack some clothes tomorrow and get food in the house for DH and the Rock Star. A couple of steaks and some pizza ought to work....LOL

I have 5 projects to take...... Guess how many I get done and you may win a prize. I will even tell you what they are...

1. Swap Bag
2. Mystery Quilt
3 Red/White/Black Yellow Brick Road
4. Grandson Christmas Quilt
5. Christmas Bucket

I will show photos when I return and the first person to guess the correct number of finished projects will get a prize. You must guess on THIS POST before Thursday. And don't bother to ask the guest blogger cause my cellphone doesn't reach that far so she will have no idea what I am I will post the winner here sometime next week


This weekend my sister is closing on her new condo and we are helping her move Friday and Saturday. Great timing as she is off Monday so she will have more time to get things settled. She will also be my guest blogger while I am gone. Don't expect too much as she is supposed to be packing after work every night....HEAR THAT SIS!!!!

Happy Sewing,
See ya next week....



  1. I will guess three projects completed. Have fun!

  2. I'm guessing 3 1/2 to 4 finishes.

  3. It all depends on how far you have come on them before leaving. And by experience I know that on such quiltreatreats with a lot of good food, friends, wine and sewing, not that much is done. I guess you will finish 2 of them and get a lot done on the third. Good luck and enjoy your time.

  4. I am guessing only two. You are going to have so much fun. Enjoy!!

  5. i am guessing (3) finished projects...have a great time! =)

  6. Oh Nancy......quilt retreat I have just returned from 4 days away and we had a I am sure you too will have the best time...take care...and enjoy....

  7. Hi Nancy,
    Your quilt retreat sounds absolutely wonderful.Wish I was going too!.
    Hope you get all your projects finished.
    Thanks also for adding a comment to my blog about how much you love my new block of the month quilt.
    Sounds like flowers, birds, trees and gardens are close to your heart as well.
    Warmly Lenna

  8. Whoops I forgot to predict how many projects you will get finished. Always the optimist I'm going to say all of them!

  9. I would love to go with you. I'm guessing you will have a great time and be pretty productive. I'll guess four.

  10. I'm guessing four. Power of positive thinking and all that! Have a great time, and TRY not to step on any needles lol!!

  11. Well, no one has guessed just one, so I am picking that! Imagine all the fun you could have just chatting and helping others complete their projects!! That would be me!! Admiring everyone else's work and never getting to mine :)

    Hope you had a great time!

  12. It will probably by determined by how much sewing you can do while holding FOOD in your hand. I will say one a day, so my answer is Three. Have a fun time.........

  13. My guess is that you will finish all of them, a total of 5. You are fast. Have a great time. Looking forward to show and tell and pictures. Miss Nancy

  14. I'm guessing you will way too much fun and only get one finish! love that mobile work centre....I always take way too many bags when I go to workshops...that little puppy looks just the ticket to alleviate all that!! Hope you had a great time....!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....