Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gone shopping....

Today Alex Anderson is in St Louis and I and 2 friends have tickets.(as you read this we have been on the road since 6am to get a good seat, one of us is short and needs to be near the front, lol) I guess it is a trunk show. I didn't get the tickets and haven't really paid any attention to the ads so not sure what all will be involved. I do know that after the lecture/trunk show we are headed over to the sponsors fabric store for a free lunch and demonstrations of items I am sure they want us to buy (and some of us might be happy to oblige them)

In the meantime, I have started to think about the reds and yellows I need for my new quilt pattern. The pattern calls for layer cakes and charm squares. Does anyone know of any new fabric lines with red and yellow as the predominant color? I am not even sure where or how to start looking. I am thinking dark red and a gold yellow. Not brights... Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Sewing,


  1. I love red and gold together....and the hues you mentioned. I am not up on the current fabric lines...
    Have a great day with Alex!!

  2. I can't wait to hear about Alex and the show, and the fabric store.

    I got the email from the Quilt Show the day before Alex was to come. Just not enough time to plan.

    Have a great weekend, the weather in Mid-Mo is beautiful!


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