Monday, September 22, 2008

A review of Alex Anderson....

Today is cleaning day at my house. I am literally tearing it apart. I also have applesauce going in the crockpot so I am feeling fairly So why am I writing in my blog?? instead of cleaning? Cause I'm taking a break!!! Yea, a break!! I have my ice water and I am sitting on the couch with the fan on. It's HOT in here..I have finished the complete upstairs... So there...

Last Thursday Miss Nancy, Anne and I went to see Alex Anderson. I forgot my camera and Miss Nancy was kind enough to send me some photos....

I was a bit disappointed. Alex started by talking a little bit about her background, her kids, how she got started quilting and how "Simply Quilts" started and ended. That bit was interesting. She showed slides of her as a wee girl at her grandmas knee doing some stitching and some slides of her kids and particularly of her son's wedding which was just 3 weeks ago.

Then the talk took a turn and became a BIG FAT BERNINA COMMERCIAL. I wasn't alone in this opinion either. Both Miss Nancy and Anne thought the same thing.

I was hoping to see some quilts in person, maybe some quilt hints? Anything? no...

There were her books on sale and if you bought one there she would autograph it. I guess if you brought one with you she wouldn't? Who knows. I don't own any of her books and didn't buy any there. The 7 Bernina dealers (I thought only one store had sponsored her talk as that is the ad I received in email) are the ones that got together and sponsored her visit, so there were demonstrations set up around the room and then a shuttle was available after the talk for a free lunch (reservations required, although no one asked our name) at one of the sponsoring stores. I was particularly interested in the bias binder for my machine (yes, I own a Bernina) but the attachment was $229.00 (with the $40 coupon in our Bernina Bag) and for me that is a bit high for a sewing machine attachment that really only has one function.

After the talk, we headed over to one of the shops and had a free lunch and made some purchases. I bought some FQ's (thanks Anne and Miss Nancy for the FQ's you bought me for driving) and some fabric printed with a line drawing of houses and shops in Paris (although the writing on the shop awnings is in English..what's up with that?)... They had a beautiful quilt made from the fabric, but I don't really need a red/white/black quilt so I bought enough to make 3 tote bags. Why 3? Not sure, but there wasn't much on the bolt and I was scared I would want more and it wouldn't be there...

All in all it was a lovely morning....but I think it should have been a free talk since all it was was an advertisement for Bernina....

Afterwards, I met my sister and my nephew and we went back to her house for awhile...My nephew is in Navy and he was home for a few days. That night my mom, step-dad, sister, nieces, aunt and uncle came for dinner. Sis made a great pork roast, fried corn and baked potato's...then the younguns went out to party..and I went home....I was beat and at one point fell asleep on her couch and apparently SNORED!! LOL

well, I guess break is over. ice water is gone..

My next sewing gig is to hem some drapes for the living room and dining room. We have had some problems with the rods we hung right after we moved in two years ago. They were not hefty enough apparently for the weight of the drapes and every time the dog jumps up on the sill and barks he pulls them down, curtain rod and all. Last week was IT!! He pulled them down for the last time. Hubby took all 4 of the rods down, filled the holes, repainted and last night we put up new wrought iron rods. I need to hem the drapes so they don't drag on the floors and hopefully this will keep the dog from destroying them. We will see...

Happy Sewing,


  1. Hey there - I can't believe you are cleaning today!! After yesterday helping me at the old apartment I thought you might never clean again :) Did I say THANK YOU!!!!!!! I could not have done it without you!!

    PS: The apples are great, thanks - fried some for dinner and yes, you do snore.....

    Your Sis - Carolyn

  2. I spent all day cleaning the downstairs of my house between us we have a clean house!!! 3 totes......? you will be busy....LOL

  3. well I guess I feel better about missing the event then.............

    I'm sure you had a great time anyway, y'know--- make your fun where you find it!


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