Friday, February 20, 2009

It's not too late......

I got a late start this morning. Apparently in Missouri you must have your car inspected and get new plates this year. Whatever!! I have better things to do.

I joined Pat Sloans OP Virtual Retreat.... and it's not too late for you to join this weekend of OP fun...
We are digging out our OP (orange piles) and making blocks. Lots and lots of blocks. Pat has given us the pattern for the block and now we just need to sew and sew...and sometimes stop to eat orange snacks...

Here are my first only two ....

I have strayed a bit from the block, but I really like the orange, blue and cream together. I have wanted to make a quilt from these fabric from Denyse Schmidt for a while...They are from her Katie's Jump Rope collection. I have 13 FQ's and I hope I can get at least a snuggle quilt from them...

Hey, I just noticed that I will be using all the fabrics on my blog huh?...

Ok, check in later. I hope to have more blocks soon.

Happy OP sewing,


  1. I only got one block done.....probably will only get about 3 done this weekend with the time I have available to me. So...I am only making a table runner with my blocks. I like yours....I was going to leave the "triangles" off the corners, too. Might just do that with the other 2 blocks and the one I already did can be the center block....will take the runner up "to size" with borders or whatever.

  2. go nancy go! love the fabrics you chose!!!

  3. Great fabrics - you must like them if they are in your blog header. Your blocks are looking good!

  4. nice blocks! i love the color combination you are using. and what a fun design, too.

  5. I just got home from work and I need to get started. I will have some time in the morning before I head back to work. Your blocks look great. I think I might use red and pink with my orange.

  6. i love the white in the middle with the blue strips. i noticed your interesting method of piecing. it looks quicker. & your choice of colors will let you avoid sashing. that's my plan.

  7. Oh my gosh that's an ORANGE background..... Cute block, I don't own any orange.....

  8. When I see your cute blocks, it makes me think I should have tried this OP thing. Maybe I can still catch up.


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