Friday, May 22, 2009

Someone poke out my eyes.....

Weeknights will never be the same until the fall. All the shows have had their season finale. In your house, this means that you go outside, take a walk, plant a garden.... In my house, it means that I don't have custody of the remote control after FoxNews at 7pm. Survivor is over. Two and half Men is over. ER just totally left me. It also means that we will be watching the History Channel, Sci-Fi Channel and anything to do with either the Civil War or dead people. Just poke out my eyes now, please....

So what will I do?

I guess I will make charity quilts during the day ...

Here is the first one... since I didn't put the seminole borders on this quilt, I had bunches of strips left over. It's small, but someone will love it.

And I guess I will stitch in the evening...

This little stitchery is the one of firsts...
First one where the pattern was printed on the ink jet printer.
First one I used variegated thread.
First one I used a backstitch.
Not bad for firsts....

EDIT-The pattern for this stitchery is HERE

So, I guess I will get a lot of sewing and stitching done cause there sure ain't nuttin on TV..... (unless you count dead people)

Happy Summer,


  1. I do my best hand stitching while I'm watching TV. I love So You Think You Can Dance and it began its season last night....and I like the gal who is The Bachelorette this season, and that began on I'll watch those two shows and stitch on those nights. I love your alphabet stitchery!

  2. I so agree with you television review. However we still ahve lots of teh CSI, The Unit 2 1/2 men and Rules of engagement on the DVR that we missed.

    If you missed rules of Engagement, that show will crack you up!

    I need to get some sewing done, but the grass cutting and flower beds have my names on them big time.

    Have a great 3 day weekend!

  3. You know I have a long LIST of shows you can watch. Like Pat, I Love SYTYCD and The Bachelorette! In fact, tomorrow you can look at the list on the frig ;)

    And there is always that new baby quilt you can work on (sigh).......


  4. So You Think You Can Dance is all I have now. Yep, Survivor, Biggest Loser, ER, Lie To Me and House are gone for a while (ER forever) and I too will want to poke my eyes out watching Fox News (ALL DAY IT IS ON) and then also the History channel....what is it with those guys??? Oh and I will also be privy to shows about logger men who have dangerous jobs....we live in the city for cryin out loud and have never met an actual logger!!!

  5. NetFlix! It's the best remedy for summer TV programing!

    Your little charity quilt is beautiful...I'm sure it will be loved by whoever receives it!

  6. I hand stitch every night in front of the telly, I think it's my most productive time of the day. The alphabet stitchery is lovely, and you've used a nice thread.

  7. Too funny. It's like you were reading my mind!!!

  8. I don't watch dead people either! Lately there is a horrible amount of crazy reality tv---- I'm not quite sure how that happened!

    Your alphabet stitchery is very cute!!

  9. I too watch all the shows and am not fond of re-runs in the summer. I will watch the Bachelorette and probably the food channel. This week-end I've been addicted to the Jon and Kate plus 8 marathon before their new season starts Monday on TLC. Sorry if you don't have dish or cable. Just take that Remote and hide it after you find a channel YOU want to watch...

  10. OMG! just send DH over. I watch the same things except Sci-fi. Love the Civil War and Forensic File type shows.


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