Monday, July 26, 2010

design wall

My design wall is completely empty this morning. I spent all day yesterday helping hubby set up his computer. He says he is just as computer literate as I am, yet he couldn't get his email set up and couldn't get Quicken working and then instead of waiting until today to call and get his password, he decided to buy the newest version... whatever...the man has no patience..

So I will show you what was on the design wall last week...not shown is the key fob that matches because I forgot to hang it up.. This is being mailed out today to my swap partner...I sure hope she likes it. I joined this swap and get to open my package as soon as I get back from town today.

My chores today include these...

the most I have mailed in a long time... books for paperbackswap, a package across the pond and Pat's winnings...

and because of THIS, I think this needs a little bit of a clean out... I sure wish I was as organized as Judy..



  1. A new post popped up right after I left the comment on the "kill" post. :-) Love the bag ensemble you made. Your swap partner is very lucky to receive it! I have several packages that need to get bundle and taken to the PO. Must "close the door" on a pattern project first. Packages will wait til tomorrow.

  2. I always think organization is overrated until I walk into my pantry :-/

  3. I too have packages to get to the post office. Why is it such a chore? And my pantry and my freezers need organized. No way would I post pictures right now. ;)

  4. Oh I dream of a pantry, our little houses just aren't built with room for one! But Judy's ? Woooooooow! Good luck with the freezer Nancy, you'll feel so much better after. Hope the design wall gets a makeover soon! Empty? that should never happen! LOL

  5. Good luck with your organizing of the freezer. I'd come back from the post office and say I was too tired to do it and would put it off yet another day....but.....that's just me!!! LOL

  6. Hi Nancy ,Iwent to read the blog entry about yourquilt room ,and left a comment dont know if you got it ,I didnt realise it was a year ago ,that you posted that lol ,anyway I am enjoying your blog ,and have clicked to follow you , love Jan in thee UK xx

  7. Looks like you're good and busy. I love the purse and accessories -- my bag is b&w too!


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