Tuesday, October 12, 2010

and here we go again....

Think good thoughts...I am leaving the hubby and son alone to fend for themselves. Hopefully the trash will get to the curb tonight...or maybe I will just do it this morning and not have to worry about it.

Two good friends and I are off to sew for 3 days...unfortunately there are no quilt shops anywhere near where we go, so we have to remember everything...

I am taking....

a zipper to add to a tote cause I have been using for a personal makeup bag and things are falling out.  Let's see if I can figure out how to add a zipper to a finished product...  I fear it won't be pretty..

a Christmas present.

a quilt that is all cut out.

my current redwork project

a pillow project

my Civil War Love Letters quilt

Wonder how much I will get done...we do tend to take breaks and talk a lot...



  1. Have fun and enjoy the quilting company. If we had to worry about completing something on excursions like this, it would take 1/2 the fun out of it. Besides, you know you will come back to a loving husband and son,,and a clean house...??

  2. Have a delightful time. Forging friendships is just as important as completing quilts. And if you can get both done at the same time, even better!

  3. Retreats are always a blast as well as getting some good sewing time in. Looks like you might have a Sew-Ezi table there in your belongings?? I am thinking of purchasing one for retreats at Houston this year. If it is one of those tables, would you mind giving me your critique of it? And how do you set it up in relation to your other provided workspace, like a regular table?

  4. Have a super duper great time! Enjoy your friends, the talking, the breaks, and time away. It is all part of the retreat and what makes it a special time.

  5. Sew the zipper between two folded strips of fabric (like two pieces of binding. The zipper goes on the raw edges. You then have a zipper completely enclosed and you can top stitch it to the top of the bag. This probably doesn't make sense but it does work if you can understand what I am trying to say.

  6. Oh I think you have enough to keep you going for a moment or two! LOL Have a great time Nancy, see you on the flip side :)


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