Monday, October 11, 2010

New guild....

Saturday was my first meeting at the St Louis Modern Quilt GuildMiss Nancy and I ventured to the city of St Louis which for us is about 45 minutes away.  We weren't quite sure what to expect, but I am sure we didn't expect all this wonderful show and tell..

Since I'm new to the guild, I can't really add names to the faces yet,  so I won't comment....

the center started out as a tablecloth!

sewn completely without reason or pattern and I love it.

her daughters baby quilt string paper pieced

no pattern name was mentioned although it reminded me of Yellow Brick Road

Made for her mom's 50th birthday party. The yo yos make a turtle which you can't see.

original pattern made for guild challenge

another original pattern by same member

she made the previous two quilts and also this one

Pattern is from a quilt-a-long with OhFransson
You can find Oh Fransson here and there is a link on her right side bar to her free quilt patterns.   I took my little flying geese in a circle quilt and that brown/green pillow to share..

We had a great time and there were some very interesting ideas coming up.  One is a brown bag swap and another is a quilt show as early as next summer....guess I better get crackin..

I am packing today to go on a little mini-retreat tomorrow..

See ya later this week.



  1. What a nice way to start into a new guild. Lovely and inventive quilts.

  2. I need more information! I have been following OhFransson and was really disapointed that St. Louis didn't have a Modern Quilt Guild. I guess I was wrong they do have one and it meets on Saturday. That would be perfect for me!

  3. Wow talented ladies at your guild!!
    Have fun at your mini retreat!!


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