Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today was ridiculous. And tomorrow doesn't look much's always best to start at the beginning.... and it all started last night.  I was watching Survivor when my husband casually asked if my internet was working..   um...I'm not on the internet..remember I'm watching TV...Well, the internet is down, and the son is gone.  Hubby can do a few things...but apparently they weren't working..   So off to bed he goes (yea! now I can watch my show with no interruptions)  and this morning when I wake up at 7am the internet is still down. HORRORS!!!  He is to work from home and he can't.  So a call to CenturyLink and they talk him through all kinds of stuff (which is not easy since he is hard of hearing) and nothing works so they are sending a technician to the house between noon and 4pm.

We leave at 8am to take the dog to the groomer. Come home and have breakfast.

Then I realize that my hair appointment is next Tuesday and I will be out of town so I call and move it to...Today...So at 10:30am I left and got my haircut, took clothes to the cleaners, went to UPS to fax some business papers and bought a queen size bed frame...

Come home and eat lunch...

Hubby decides he needs new glasses. today.. and he doesn't have an appointment.  So he calls and gets an appointment at 3:30pm.  um...remember the internet man is coming between noon and 4pm.  And he doesn't want to go alone.   Luckily the son comes home and will stay here to meet the internet guy.

We leave at 3pm... $500 later..he has ordered new glasses and new prescription sunglasses.  We get a call from the groomer.  Oliver probably has an ear infections.  He won't let them trim his ears.  We go and pick him up and he looks funny...really funny...  He's a cocker and they are prone to ear infections.  Oh. they also shaved his ears and when they did they shaved a tick off...{shudder} and they aren't sure if they got the head... So while I pay the groomer ($30), hubby calls the vet and they can get him in "right now"...So off we go to the vet's office...(across the street) and sure enough...he has bilateral ear infections.. so $127 later we have a funny looking dog that is SICK!   So heck..the day is shot...might as well go get "heart stopping" KFC and call it a day...

And tonight is Project Runway and from the previews it looks like something fun is gonna happen tonight. Can't wait.  I love that it has expanded to 90 minutes...I love seeing more

I did get this done between the hair cut and eye appt...  I found this tutorial over on Joanna's blog.. I immediately went upstairs and found the brown fabric and the little green vine fabric..and hand appliqued those leaves...  Then it got set aside...until today when I quilted it and made the pillow..  It's for my youngest daughter as soon as she stops a filthy habit she acquired in college.  Until then, it looks really nice on my couch..

 And the Internet was fixed... the Ethernet cable was bad and he gave us a new one for free..

Tomorrow I am up and out of here early...I will be selling raffle tickets for our guild raffle quilt..



1 Diane said...

Whew! I had to sit down to rest after I read all that. I can't believe you squeezed in getting that cute pillow done.

(I love Survivor - I don't think I've ever missed an episode)

2 Wendy said...

Okay ... I'm taking the deep breath to relax and all I did was the reading! Wow! I hope you get a good nights sleep because selling the raffle tickets can be rough! Best wishes and have fun :)

3 Winona said...

You poor woman! It is after 11 p.m. here, so I hope you are in bed, sound asleep. You deserve a good night's rest after the day you have had. Glad you got the internet back, hubby is set with new glasses, you have your hair cut, and the pooch has meds for his ears. May tomorrow be a better day! Winona

4 Anne D said...

A busy and expensive day. I really like the cushion!

5 Tangos Treasures said...

Gosh you were busy! Yippiee your internet is back!!
Have fun at the quilt show!

6 Pat said...

That sure WAS an eventful day! Whew...I got tired reading about it...and think I need a nap now. LOL

7 Trudi said...

Did you manage to breath? Boy what a day, and you need a padlock on your purse for a while! LOL Hope you have a productive day tomorrow! Love the pillow and the tute looks very good too, Thanks Nancy, now take a well deserved rest :)

8 Nancy Page said...

Love, Love, Love the pillow. You have been busy. When did you work in a pillow?

Have a super great day.

9 Pokey said...

I'm sorry for your troubles/challenges/money expenditures, etc, etc ...
is it okay that I was laughing at your distresses? uh, well, sorry about that too but BOY have we all had those days!?! I'm prayin' for the doggy's hair to grow in quickly, or he'll get a complex with all the snickers....

10 SheilaC said...

wOw... you had quite the day. I can't imagine having the energy to sew after a day like that! :)

Wishing for better days....


Kristin said...

BTW, my "filthy habit" is smoking cigarettes. Not heroin or crack or meth...just menthols. I think I should still get my pillow....Just saying it could be worse.

And I started in High School, Mom, not college...*ducks slap*