Contest Now Closed...
Ok, first things first. Here is the prize. Batik fabric. I don't like batik fabric and I found this in my sewing room. Why would I buy batik fabric if I don't like it? Maybe I knew there was going to be a contest? Who knows. AND guess what? It's not a fat quarter. Oh no..If I don't like batiks, why would I buy a fat quarter?'s a 1/2 yard.. of pink.. Did I tell you? I'm not a pink kind of gal either.
So here we have 1/2 yard of pink batik fabric.... Is it pretty? Cause I can't tell.
Now if you aren't a 1/2 yard pink batik kind of gal, then I guess you don't have to enter the contest. Cause I got nothing else... (well, I do, but I'm not sharing)

Now to the particulars....
Guess ho5w many proje5cts I got done at my mini-ret5reat. V and B you are eligible also, cause really they weren't paying any at5tention to me... They were too b5usy sewing... If there is m5ore than one correct guess t5hen I will draw a name from all the corre5ct entries...
Now, this should be easy...right? Oh, do you need a hint? Guess somethin5g between 1-10...OK?
So, I guess I will leave the contest up until sometime Friday night or Saturday morning, then I will announce the winner.
Oh, I hate to do this, but I must keep it to USA only. Mailing is astronomical and it would be probably be cheaper for me to fly the fabric over, but I can't do that much as I would enjoy
So, I guess that's it. Did I forget anything? No? Good...
Let me go out on a limb here and guess? 5? LOL!
The pink batik fabric is beautiful. Let me take a jab at it. How about 5?
FIVE, of course.
I really like batiks and that pink is just right to give some spark to a project.
love batiks!!!!\I guess 5!
I'm thinking it must be about 5 projects??
Love batiks, and pink would challenge me ... I want to go with lucky number 7.
Hmmmm...this one is really hard. I'm thinking 5 projects. :)
I love batiks. I am actually collecting some different batiks right now and do not have any pink, so this would be awesome to win.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hmmmmm.... let me see..... maybe FIVE? And the pink is gorgeous!
5! Lol! :)
gonna take a wild guess and say 5!
Oh sweet Nancy, would the number possibly be five projects??
Pink batik works for me.
Too funny. I guess I will have to guess 5.
You are too funny! I'm getting STRONG vibrations that you completed 5 whole projects...AMazing!
I guess I feel like this is one question I probably can guess the answer to: 5? (watching Jeopardy)
I love batik: pink not so much but it would go great with my other batiks.
I'll take 5 yards of pink batik fabric please.
Just another wild guess, Nancy. Something tells me the number 5 is what you are looking for and that you are NOT that bad at the keyboard! LOL! Thanks for the hints and for the opportunity at this beautiful, PINK, batik fabric! I love it!
I love pink...I love most batiks (and do love this pink one of yours) and....I am quite sure you completed 5 projects on that retreat!!! Gee...I hope I'm guessing the correct number!!! LOL
I'm guessing somewhere between 4 and 6 but as I can't remember what comes between them and don't like the batik and don't live in the US, I'm guessing my chances of winning are slim. Rats.
5? and I love that pink batik (in case that could be a deciding factor) I do so enjoy your blog!
Almost finished with a woven batik wall hanging. Hmmm, let me see, pick a number? FIVE sounds good to me. LOL! Can't wait to see your finished projects!
Wow I think the fabric is very pretty. Let me see, ummmm, I think I will guess the number 5. Yes that's it, number 5!
hmm my guess is 5...I will put the pink batik to good use if I am the lucky winner
thanks for a chance
My first instinct is 3, but something is telling me I should say 5. I love batiks. I also love pinks. And I always buy half yards.
I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say Lovely pink batik.
Now that was hard. But after much thought I guess 5. hee hee.
I love your little War Bride blocks.
Just for the fun of the comment, maybe 5? You can fly some fabric over here anytine Nancy! (shame I love batiks!)
Good luck everyone, this is one less opportunity for you all :)
The batik is pretty even if it is pink. I think you got five projects done and a sixth one started while you were on the mini retreat.
Have a great day. P.S. I am behind in my blog reading as usual.
Hope I'm not to late to maybe take a guess of------ohhhh dear----5 pops into my head. Could that be it? I do like batiks and a granddaughter who Loves pink!!!
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