Some pillowcase flannel for this Christmas...
Some pink Princess and lizards and frog fabric....
And I will recover my ironing table today...

My son after some minor out patient surgery yesterday. With all the drugs on board he was so cute...and talkative... He said "Thanks for coming with me" and held my hand.
Hubby is going with me today to run all my errands. Want to guess how much longer it will take?
And "So you think you can dance" must have started last night, cause it automatically got Tivo'ed... which is great..
And who knew that ALL my readers were so smart and could pick the right number for the contest. Surgery boy will be drawing a winning name tomorrow...cause he really can't do much else.. So there is still time to enter... Go down a couple of posts to enter if you haven't already..
Come back tomorrow for the winner...
Ok - I'm looking at his picture and he does not look his actual age - looks like the surgery added a few years....
Glad everything went ok and he's on the road to recovery!!
And "SYTYCD" was pretty good!
AKA: that's my nephew!!!
Your choice of pillowcase fabrics is awesome. Hope the "son" feels better real soon,
I hope your son is better soon. He does look pretty much "out of it" in the photo. I miss having a store with inexpensive fabrics for the kinds of projects you mentioned. Now we need to buy quilt-shop quality fabrics unless we want to drive over 40 miles to Joann's or a Hancock Fabrics for something more reasonably priced. It's hard to pay top-dollar for a quilt that a toddler is going to drag around and get filthy and ripped in no time at all!!!
You will have some great pillowcases with that fun fabric. Glad that the surgery went well. Hope the recovery is speedy.
Have a great day.
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