There are 14 blocks due this month
by Tuesday
I have these
I have 8 done...
Oh, woe is me... I need to shake a leg...
Oh Wii is me...
For Mothers Day I got a Wii with Wii Fit
I have already bowled ( I got 7 strikes in 3 games!, not bad for an old lady),
played tennis
watched the SON find out that his Wii Fit Age is 30!! He is 17.
Oh my... I don't think I want to do this..
If he is 30 what does the Wii have in store for me?
You really will need to shake a leg to get the rest of those blocks done. And watch out for that Wii. It can take you captive and hold you hostage when you least expect it. Have fun!!
We got the Wii at Christmas time and I did it a bit then but haven't really done it in months. I didn't like what the Wii Fitness stuff told me about my age, but it wasn't quite as horrible as I'd feared it would be. LOL As for those other 8 blocks..YIKES.....by TOMORROW????
The blocks look great. Well done! You will get the others done before tomorrow evening.
What a great Mother's Day gift. Wii and Wii Fit. Have fun with it.
Have a great day.
Nice quilt! You have to get Wii Just Dance. It's a better workout than Wii fit and fun, fun, fun!
Wiiiiiiiiiii! So pleased you got to have lots of fun! Enjoy! Don't overdo it and hurt yourself, so you can't sew, LOL Now go shake a leg at the rest of those beautiful blocks :)
The blocks look great. I am sure you can finish the last ones in time. You have to keep training on the wii until your age is younger than the sons. I liked it better when you called him the Rock Star.
The Wii listed my age as 47: I am 67. It listed DH's age as 75: he was 68. I think I get younger just laughing at him. ;-)
WE "wii" have a WII too. AT first it was great but now it's just there in the corner collecting dust as fast as i'm collecting pounds. lolol I should fire it up again huh? The last time I stepped on it the little girl that's supposed to be me said.....UGH!! as I stepped on. lolol Some friend she is.
I love your 8 blocks-
Awesome blocks! 8-)
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