I must confess. I tried this pattern about 5-6 years ago. I read the pattern and cut out the pieces and somehow got lost. I took it to the LQS and she tried to help, but I just couldn't get it. I eventually gave up and threw it all away.
Lucky for me there were only 5 people in the class today. Two were doing chickens, one was doing pineapples, one was doing Harvest Moon and me with the stars. After getting everything cut I refused to go any further until the instructor could stand by while I did the first seam.. She started explaining and I had one of those "light bulb" moments. She said two things that made I think I was first to get a block finished.
What I did wrong last time?
You use a freezer paper template. When I cut my block apart, I also cut around the perimeter of the freezer paper. Nope, don't do that. Just cut the pieces apart and leave all that extra fabric until you have it all sewn together. THEN trim to the correct size. DUH!!
She showed me to off set all the pieces 1/4 inch. Seems like a simple thing, but it wasn't how I was doing it before and that's why my pieces weren't right...
So I was the first to get a block done and I had 6 blocks done in two hours. I hope to get the others together this weekend, but I also have 6 civil war blocks due on Tuesday, so we will see who wins...

And when I got home...this man showed up.. He gave my house a much needed shower..
I love a clean house...especially when I don't have to do it..lol

Just like the truck says, he was prompt, friendly.. actually he was an hour early so I was glad I left class early...
This is a concept I can't seem to wrap my head around, Nancy. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad your instructor was patient - mine said I was 'stupid'. Yes she did! Your blocks are fabulous.
I think I'd have trouble, too...as I'm not even understanding it when you told us how the instructor helped you! I hope you feel better soon.
After reading the 2 comments before me, they must be thinking the same thing I am. I have made these freezer paper stars and mine came out okay-- or I thought they did!!! But I wonder what you mean by the words "offset the seams 1/4"" and how that made a difference? Would you mind explaining what that 'offset 1/4" means?
oops! your wording is "offset the pieces 1/4 inch" not the seams as I just wrote.
I'm confused on the stars, are they pieced, paper pieced, or appliqued.
Looks like the power washer did windows too, hope they came out streak free. LOL
Get to feeling better the weekend is coming!!
Okay Nancy, you need to do a tutorial because I just don't get that star!!!!! Go for it and show us how.....PLEASE!
I am glad you finally got it!!!Even if it did take you 5 years. Hope you feel better soon. You have to so you can do all your blocks.
Oooh, yes -- I vote for a tutorial too! Those blocks are adorable!!!
Hi Nancy,
I hope you feel better soon...I have no idea what you were doing, or indeed doing wrong LOL, but it looks great. A patient and good teacher is a gem :)
Hugs, Sharon
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